CST GmbH – schirmmacher.com

Junker-Jonas-Platz 3 T. +43 5523 62 56 212
6840 Götzis/Österreich info@schirmmacher.at
  • KatharinaKatharina


    … brings a smile on faces! :-)

If someone is always up for a laugh in the office, then it's our communication talent Katharina. She is responsible for HR and Sales.

When she's not on the phone in our office, she does a lot with her family or is out in nature after work. In addition to all that, she still has enough energy left over to get involved in social projects in her free time. Admirable!

Learn more about the company history of Schirmmacher


: +44 1293 800050
: info@schirmmacher.co.uk